What is a Good Keyword Difficulty Score?

What is a Good Keyword Difficulty Score? While search volume is often put in the keyword research spotlight, assessing difficulty is just as important, if not more so. We see so many small bloggers and large businesses alike narrow their focus on what they think is the best keyword – dumping resources into backlinking, content…

What to Do After Keyword Research

What to Do After Keyword Research So much of the emphasis is placed on keyword research when it comes to SEO, and for good reason. After all, this is the foundation of your strategy. Without the right keywords, you don’t know how to optimize your pages – or, you could end up spinning your tires…

How to Automate Keyword Research

How to Automate Keyword Research Whether you’re selling a product through your own online storefront and need to attract buyers through Google or are trying to optimize product listings on Amazon, eBay, Pinterest, or any other search engine, keyword research is an essential first step. Think of this as your roadmap to SEO success. You…

Keyword Research Checklist

Keyword Research Checklist The idea of mapping out and implementing an SEO strategy can be overwhelming. There are so many moving pieces – from creating content, optimizing the technical details of your site, building backlinks, and more. We’re here to simplify perhaps the most important part of the process for you here today with our…

How to Do Etsy Keyword Research

How to Do Etsy Keyword Research Even if you sell a unique product, it can feel like your listing is getting lost amidst the countless other options on Etsy. You’re competing with tons of other sellers for the same customer pool. This may leave you struggling to generate sales, finding yourself highly reliant on advertising…

How to Do Pinterest Keyword Research

How to Do Pinterest Keyword Research Finding the right keywords for your Pinterest account can be the difference between effortlessly growing organic traffic and feeling as if you’re spinning your tires in the mud, never quite gaining traction on the platform. There’s so much potential waiting to be harnessed on this channel – it’s just…

Content Assistant: AI Content Generation Tool

Welcome to the world of AI! Keysearch now allows you to use AI (artificial intelligence) to generate content and ideas within the Content Assistant tool. This is a super cool feature when used correctly, and can significantly speed up your workflow when creating content. For now, this feature is still in beta. As with any…

New: Site Audit Tool

After months of development, we are happy to release our new Site Audit Tool. It should really be called the “Simple Site Audit Tool” since that was our main focus when building it. Many site audit tools bombard you with tons of information which can be very overwhelming. We tried our best to keep the…

New: Organic Keyword Filters

When our users speak, we listen. Over the past few months, we’ve noticed more and more users asking for a feature where they could further drill down the keywords shown on the Organic Keywords page. We loved this idea and put the wheels in motion to get it done. Today we are able to release…

True Volume / Search Volume Update

Over the next few weeks, you may start noticing certain keywords showing drastically different search volumes than what they had shown previously. This is due to a big algorithm change we are rolling out to what we call our “True Volume” algorithm. If you are completely unfamiliar with our True Volume algorithm I suggest you…