Free Keyword Clustering Tool

Paste a list of keywords into the box to group your keywords with our free keyword clustering tool.

Maximum 1000 keyword limit per search

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Keyword Clustering and Keyword Grouping Tool

In the past, it was easy enough to adopt a simple keyword strategy that involved optimizing the content you created for a small number of keywords – often just one or two per article. This approach was practical because the search algorithms used at the time were nowhere near as sophisticated as they are now.

SEO is different nowadays, as search engines have become more advanced, they can detect multiple topics and contextual details throughout each piece of content. This has rendered the single keyword strategies used in the past as, at best, ineffective or null and void.

This brings us to the question, why stick with just a small number of keywords when you can target and optimize many? That’s where our free keyword clustering tool comes in. Enter a list of keywords and our clustering tool will group your keywords into related topics to help you better plan your content strategy and cut down on your keyword research time.

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Keyword Clustering – What is it?

Keyword clustering also known as keyword grouping is a technique used in SEO to group together keywords that encompass the same topic or meaning.

This allows SEOs to target a group of keywords with similar intent with a single piece of content, rather than creating multiple pieces of content for each individual keyword.

For example, if you are writing about dog training you may want to include topics such as dog training collars, dog training leashes, etc.. The main content topic would be dog training but within that topic, there are many sub-topics that you can also cover that all relate to the main topic.

It can complement the normal keyword process but is handled on a larger scale with a different approach to how the results are organized. When you create keyword clusters, you can identify how different keywords are related, the terms your target audience prefers to use, and a better understanding of audience intent.

Keyword Clustering Tool Output
Keyword Clustering Keyword Research

Keyword Clustering – Why is it Important?

Grouping keywords into topic clusters helps the content cover the entire topic. It has been shown that Google prefers to rank articles higher that thoroughly cover the entire topic of a subject. This usually leads to a better experience for the searcher and better satisfies search intent.

Keyword clustering also prevents having many different articles all covering a similar topic. This can be confusing for search engines when a website has many smaller articles all based around a similar idea.

By covering the topic fully in one article you make it easy for Google to know which webpage to rank for the topic while also expanding the number of keywords that each piece of content might rank for. This in turn increases the overall topical authority of the web page.

Keyword clustering can be foundational to creating user-friendly and Google-friendly content.

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How Do you Cluster Keywords?

A simple approach to clustering keywords is to take a main topic keyword and group any keywords that contain that keyword phrase into a cluster. This is the approach our free keyword clustering tool uses.

Other keyword clustering tools such as Keyword Insights use a more complicated approach of comparing search engine results and finding overlaps between the keywords to form a topical cluster.

There are other approaches as well. You can use semantically related keywords sometimes known as LSI keywords, or other types of data that can compare the keyword phrases and group keywords accordingly.

Keyword Clustering Tool Input
Keyword Clustering Content Optimization

Improved Rankings and Increase Organic Traffic

When using regular keyword research tools our approach is usually to use search volume data to find keyword ideas and plan our SEO content strategy around them. Keyword clustering is different. With keyword clustering, we are trying to group together related topics that will fit well in a single piece of content.

Short-tail keywords that range from one to three words tend to have a higher search volume and bring in more traffic but maybe be harder to rank. Long-tail keywords that range from three to more words tend to have a lower volume of searches and visitors, but can be much easier to rank.

When you cluster keywords, you can get the best of both worlds. By creating content around a more general pillar topic, and then using many sub-topics to fill out the content and cover the full scope and breadth of the main pillar topic.

Another critical reason keyword clustering is so essential is that you can create more robust content and give your site greater authority in the eyes of search engines. This can result in more traffic gained organically.

Free SEO Keyword Clustering Tool - Analyze & Group Keywords

Target Audience Intent

When it comes to successful SEO, there is nothing more important than identifying the reason and end goal of a target audience's queries on Google. Understanding the audience's intent helps you get a sense of what they are interested in and how to target your content better.

If your content can rank for multiple keywords, and you can better satisfy the searcher's intent, why would you stick to targeting just one keyword? When utilized effectively, keyword clustering or keyword grouping can improve your content and your rankings.

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